Celiac in a Post Natural World

After 29 posts, my posts have become an embarrassment. These posts have been constructed on the fly and posted by the seat of one’s pants. Although there is a plethora of information available, much of it is hidden in a strange language ( the language used when someone doesn’t really want you to understand what’s being written ) or the information is contradictory.

I don’t write sentences like one’s you’ll find on the Psychology Today website, for example:

The current trend of increasing anti-intellectualism now establishing itself in politics and business leadership, and supported by a declining education system should be a cause for concern for leaders and the general population,one that needs to be addressed now.

And I although I finally know that protein(s) confuse(s) more people than I’d ever thought  imaginable, I’m still not in-line with Wired magazine’s most recent cover, as I don’t even know if there’s a positive response available for the cover, much less the article the cover was drawn from. The cover has something like ” No hunger. No pollution. No disease . . . ”   And the “No” this or that somehow seems positive, but I’m just get confused by their pairing the word “welcome” with a term like “post-natural world.”

And here’s where the monkey flings its poo. My hope is its aim is bad or that the poo is unworthy of flying well — much like this post, this blog.

My thoughts on the “post-natural world” aren’t explained here today, although they ponder if the “post-natural world” may have occurred or originated about 135 years ago or roughly some time in the 1880s but, moreover, I’m just dumbfounded. And this? Yes, just another post.