Celiac, Where Do You Get Your Protein?

Where do you get your protein? That question is like “the shot heard ’round the world.”

So I go into the grocery store and I ask the manager, “Take me to the protein section.”

Imagine the look on the manager’s face and then the questions. No, don’t.

The point is that the manager could take me anywhere in the store, but never inside myself. I’ve got my own biome, my own environment I want to manage in a sustainable way, a self-subsistent way.

Because of these “ways,” it appears that whatever protein I get, from whatever source, is then converted into amino acids. The environment determines and builds whatever amino acids chains it needs from the available sources of protein ( and there are many ) regardless of what those sources are.

A celiac has a definite autoimmune function. That function is related to the biome’s ability to breakdown the protein into the proper amino acids. The celiac can’t do that. It’s proven.

What remains to be proven is Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity ( NCGS ). I really think the word “gluten” should be replaced with “protein.” Gluten is just one of the many forms of proteins more clearly defined and studied than other proteins. Remember, it’s proteins out, and amino acids in. It’s even safe to say we don’t know all the possible amino acids. There are a dozen and one that are readily identifiable. There are further breakdowns into peptides and enzymes, and, of course, these are helpful and give us more information. But possibly an understanding of the sensitivity amongst the nocebos and placebos could be further tested, and this is for the belief structure now, for how the test subject ( get more than 37 by the way ) “believes” herself (himself)  to “feel.”

However the hypothesis for the experiment is created, ruling out a test subject’s “feeling” seems ludicrous and, dare I say, inhumane.

Where do I get my protein? Here’s a list —

lentils — in addition to protein I get fiber too

black beans — hey, there’s fiber in these too

edamame — just a healthy snack, but wait, there’s fiber in edamame too

chick peas — protein plus . . .

kale — kale, tofu, onions, garlic and some rice noodles — that’s a meal! protein plus . . .

spinach — with a few other vegetables it’s a salad ! protein plus . . .

broccoli — maybe it went into that spinach salad?! protein plus . . .

avocado — it’s definitely in that salad! protein plus . . .

If you ate these eight items you’d get some protein. Each of these items gives you more than protein.

In closing, to those posing the question “where do you get your protein?” I need to ask, what do you get with your protein? Do you know how your body processes the protein you consume? and, finally, Where did you get that question?